The Beginning

This will just be a short intro to my other intro. Things nowadays are quite hectic aren’t they? Wages are too low, too many working hours, bills going up. But let me tell you something, just because things are going up, doesn’t mean you should stop caring about the fits, man. MAKE USE OF THE SECOND-HAND STORES ALL OVER THE COUNTRY AND ONLINE.

Let’s be real, fast fashion has never been good and is awful for the environment (not to mention harsh working conditions). Garments that have been well constructed deserve to be worn for generations, so do yourself a favor and browse around and you’ll be surprised on what you find. From leather shoes, boots, denim, jackets etc. There is a whole market for this, and there will definitely be pieces for the various styles seen today.

But in this blog, oh we will be focusing on the glorious 2000s to 2010’s and how this scene always seems to return no matter how innovating designs seem nowadays. But perhaps other fashion scenes will be discussed occasionally… Nothing beats well fitting, well made garments that are built to last!
I will talk about brands that are staples in my closet, newer brands that are creating the goods, and brands that are returning into the spotlight. I sincerely hope that you enjoy the content I will be producing, for this is only the beginning.